My office is spacious and comfortable. I have 6-8 feet between my chair and the client’s, so in-person sessions are possible. Otherwise I’m happy to do phone or video sessions.
My style is flexible. I’ll interact with you and give you as much direction as you need. For those who prefer to lead the session or need moments of silence, I can give you that space, too. I’ll check in with you often so you can let me know how you need me to be.
In my life and in therapy people perceive me as genuine, kind, and creative, and deeply invested in my vocation as a therapist.
There is much of Janusz and Virgil in my therapy. Their joyful love of life and personal strength are the heart and soul of my practice.
Janusz and Virgil taught me how to reclaim my vitality and personal power.
When you’re ready I can help you reclaim yours.
Call or text 319.930.7699